I know we weren't supposed to write a post about our cat and just show thousands of photos. But that's not what I'm going to do, I'm going to tell you about 19 years of companionship.
As I was a little child of three years, I shared the room with my sister who is three years older than me. One evening when we were already lying in bed and our mother was sitting beside us, my father came home and knocked on our door. We weren't suspecting anything in particular because he often worked until late. But when the door opened we were more than surpised because our father held something small, really really small, in his hands. It suddenly moved and that was the moment when my sister and I realised that it was a little cat! We couldn't hide our excitement and jumped out of our beds because we wanted to have a closer look at the little thing our father had just sat down on one of the beds. It was so extremely sweet and immediately started to purr. For the four of us there wasn't any question about how to name our little cat, the purring had made it clear - Schnurli would be part of our lives from that day on.
And well, she was a part of our lives. A part that was so important to me that I can't imagine a life without her. Cats are not like dogs. They are a bit stubborn, or at least our cat was that way. She could be so sweet lying next to me while I was sleeping, or learning, but when she had enough, she just ran away from me without any reason. She also was a bit shy. If she heard the tiniest noise of an unknown voice she was the first one to run in the opposite direction and hide somewhere safe.
It is strange, but she was just always there. Even if her meowing was sometimes nail-biting and her inability to decide whether to go out into the garden or stay inside the house was really difficult to handle sometimes, she could be really funny. Then she hid behind a chair or behind the door and when I walked by she jumped out of her hiding place and I shrieked.
19 years is a very long time. 133 years for a cat. That's a lot.
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